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Rev. colomb. psicol ; 30(1): 63-77, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251619


Resumen En este artículo propongo defender una educación para la convivencia desde edades muy tempranas que (1) parta de una comprensión correcta de la naturaleza corporal, activa y afectiva del ser humano; (2) entienda lo indispensable que es implementar pedagogías alternativas y novedosas que promuevan una educación basada en la utilización del cuerpo entero en las actividades de enseñanza/aprendizaje; y (3) confíe e integre en sus prácticas los resultados de investigaciones empíricas hechas a partir de bases teóricas robustas. El énfasis estará puesto en la necesidad de implementar metodologías y pedagogías novedosas y creativas, basadas en algunos postulados de la fenomenología, así como en algunas hipótesis de los enfoques contemporáneos de cognición corporizada y situada.

Abstract In this article I propose to defend an education for coexistence from an early age that (1) departs from a correct understanding of the bodily, active, and affective nature of the human being; (2) understand the indispensability of implementing alternative and novel pedagogies that promote education based on the use of the whole body in teaching / learning activities; and (3) trust and integrate the results of empirical research based on robust theoretical bases into their practices. The emphasis will be put on the need to implement novel and creative methodologies and pedagogies based on some postulates of phenomenology, as well as in some hypotheses of contemporary approaches of embodied and situated cognition.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 43(1): 52-57, ene.-mar. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-715337


La discusión sobre explicación y comprensión plantea una división de las ciencias con base en lo que se considera propio de cada uno de los dominios: la tarea propia de las ciencias naturales sería la explicación, mientras que la de las ciencias sociales sería la de la comprensión o interpretación. Actualmente hay una línea de trabajo que apunta a superar el dualismo metodológico y proponer estudios de tipo más interdisciplinario, como el que se está realizando sobre el surgimiento de lo mental en el marco de relaciones intersubjetivas. En particular, el concepto de intersubjetividad defendido por la fenomenología como una práctica corporizada está siendo apoyado por los resultados de investigaciones llevadas a cabo a partir de las neurociencias cognitivas y la psicología del desarrollo. Autores de diversas raíces, como J. Bruner y S. Gallagher, proponen considerar este tipo de colaboración interdisciplinaria como un posible camino para integrar las tradiciones de la explicación y la comprensión. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar hasta qué punto esta colaboración entre la fenomenología y las ciencias, en particular sobre el tema del entendimiento de otros y de su relevancia para la comprensión de ciertas psicopatologías, ha permitido cerrar la brecha que se había abierto en el siglo XIX entre dichas tradiciones.

The discussion on explanation and understanding has led to a division in the sciences, based on what is considered to be inherent to each of the domains. The task of the natural sciences would be the explanation, while that of the social sciences would be understanding or interpretation. There is a line of work that currently seeks to overcome the methodological dualism and to propose more interdisciplinary studies, such as the studies on emergence of the mental in the framework of intersubjective relationships. In particular, the concept of intersubjectivity defended by the phenomenology as an embodied practice, is being supported by the results of investigations carried out on the basis of the cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology. Authors from different roots, such as J. Bruner and S. Gallagher propose considering these types of interdisciplinary collaboration as a possible way to integrate the traditions of the explanation and understanding. The purpose of this paper is to analyze to what extent this collaboration between phenomenology and sciences, particularly on the subject of understanding others and their relevance for the understanding of certain psychopathologies, has allowed to close the gap that had opened in the nineteenth century between these traditions.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais , Ciências Sociais , Neurociências , Psicologia do Desenvolvimento , Ciência , Compreensão , Estudos Interdisciplinares , Neurociência Cognitiva
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 43(1): 52-7, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26573257


The discussion on explanation and understanding has led to a division in the sciences, based on what is considered to be inherent to each of the domains. The task of the natural sciences would be the explanation, while that of the social sciences would be understanding or interpretation.There is a line of work that currently seeks to overcome the methodological dualism and to propose more interdisciplinary studies, such as the studies on emergence of the mental in the framework of intersubjective relationships. In particular, the concept of intersubjectivity defended by the phenomenology as an embodied practice, is being supported by the results of investigations carried out on the basis of the cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology. Authors from different roots, such as J. Bruner and S. Gallagher propose considering these types of interdisciplinary collaboration as a possible way to integrate the traditions of the explanation and understanding. The purpose of this paper is to analyze to what extent this collaboration between phenomenology and sciences, particularly on the subject of understanding others and their relevance for the understanding of certain psychopathologies, has allowed to close the gap that had opened in the nineteenth century between these traditions.
